Monday, December 30, 2019

Ethical And Ethical Challenges Of Organizations - 1536 Words

â€Å"A major problem we identify in business is that organisations are designed as profit making mechanisms and have no interest in the good of society† (Bartlett Preston, 2000). Companies always want to have an ethical advantage over other companies but only for the profit. With globalisation and technological advances, it can put a stress on some companies as they always need profit and market share to be successful and grow. â€Å"Individual managers (tone at the top) play an essential role making sure (that unethical behaviour) doesn t happen,† (Heskett, 2011). Companies rely on their top managers to make these hard decisions about ethics. Though the company had these values and views it is the managers who make the decision for the business. Hence companies in a competitive environment will not always be ethical. (Angelo Kinicki, 2015) There are four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas; utilitarian approach is guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. The individual approach is guided by what will result in the individual’s best long term interests. The moral-right approach is guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings. Last the justice approach is guided by respect for impartial standards of fairness and equity. These approaches can be used by companies. They can help and provide guidelines for companies when faced with ethical dilemmas, this provides an alternative method. Ethical dilemmas often occur becauseShow MoreRelatedEthical Challenges in Business Organization (Maybank)5985 Words   |  24 PagesEconomics and Management Sciences Department of Business Administration Business Ethics MGT 3020 Dr. Naail Mohammed Kamil Ethical Challenges in Business Organization: A Study of Maybank Investment Bank Group Members: Atiqah Bt Dalik 1223400 Aida Abidah Bt Anuar 1220954 Alya Maisarah Bt Zainal 1228000 Nor Amira Suhada Bt Othman 1224892 Ethical Challenges in Business Organization: A Study of Maybank Investment Bank Atiqah Bt Dalik(1), Aida Abidah Bt Anuar(2), Alya Maisara Bt Zainal(3), Nor AmiraRead MoreEthical Leadership And Ethical Decision Making Are A Challenge For Any Organization Or Institution Essay6614 Words   |  27 Pages ED.D Organization Leadership Doctoral Qualifying Examination Student Examination ID Number QOL002 â€Æ' A. Ethical leadership and ethical decision making are a challenge for any organization or institution. 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