Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Engineering Girl Advancing Into The Future Essay

Engineering Girl Essay: Advancing Into the Future Technology with a variety of advancements can change the world at large in the subject of health. Technology can be used to develop systems in health that can find cures for cancer and other methods. For example technology can develop a system that can make blind people see. Challenges in health consist of the person, the system, and the communication device. X rays can be advanced to find the actual part of the body that needs to be healed. Systems can be created that heal the patient when scanned over. Shots and vaccinations could be delivered electronically through fingerprints. Prosthetics could be developed. The balancing structure for elders who have trouble with walking can be transformed. More efficient energy sources can be developed with the new advancements in technology. Houston’s non renewable energy sources will begin to run out by the year 2050 which will force us to use renewable energy sources. Renewable sources that Houston will be forced to use include wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal energy. The growth of the population in the United States and primarily Houston will result in the citizens wanting an alternate form of energy. The population growth will change the use of energy sources that are more reliable by using a cleaner safer energy source. The citizens will want to save more money on energy and cause less harm to the environment. Solar energy panels need technology advancements with theShow MoreRelatedDesigner Babies Essay863 Words   |  4 PagesDesigner Babies Since the time DNA was discovered, genetic modification has been advancing in our world. Around the late 20th century designing babies became a new topic. Genetic engineering is a powerful and potentially very dangerous tool. To alter the sequence of nucleotides of the DNA that code for the structure of complex living organisms, can have extremely ill effects although the potential benefits can be huge. 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